


In 2022, Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 70 years of reign; her “Platinum Jubilee”. Bringing together incredible archives, the director of the romantic comedy Notting Hill has created for this occasion – and just before his own death – a nostalgic, playful, fresh and modern chronicle of the woman who has spent the most time as a Head of State.



亚伦·斯沃茨 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李 科利·多克托罗 彼得·艾克斯莱 劳伦斯·莱斯格 戴维·西格尔 戴维·西罗塔 塔伦·斯蒂伯里克纳-考夫曼 马特·斯托勒 埃沃·蒂姆 本·威克勒 罗恩·怀登
