


  A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung division was obliged to agree to accept Because the superiors are superiors Submitting an ultimatum in this work, with the young man Bum Geum stalking the servants in the house of Mom Bang, who is a resident of that area. Volunteer to be a helper and guide Give to travel willingly Because wanting to go back to the young woman who once secretly loves Eh Eung A journey to find out the truth in a strange case that occurred at seven dogs in a small village. It looks quiet from the outside. But the atmosphere at night returned to be lonely, too scary to say And both meet with Luang Phi Kaew, a senior monk who secretly has many good things concealed within the 3 people Began to join forces to find out exactly what exactly happened here. By beginning by going to E-hung's house to inquire about various matters That occurred within the village. Including the rumors that people accuse Lee Woong of being ghouls, even though he deeply regrets that the person that Lee Woong has chosen to live with is Geum's childhood friend Bak, but the return Come to the field of howling dogs this time He secretly hoped to reconnect with the girl who secretly loved better. Because there is news that Bugs mid died in government service While investigating the truth about the case, Luang Phi Kheo, Moonsatorn and Bakkum are faced with many problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and their reliant on Tek Tek. With horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, probably have to come and see what Luang Phi Kaew will have to use to defeat ghosts And will the lieutenant and our assistant captain survive? With all the problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and his reliant on Tek, along with the horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, they must Come to hope that Luang Phi Kaew will have something good to use to defeat ghosts And can the lieutenant and our assistant lieutenants survive?



阿尼尔班·巴塔查尔吉 Anirban Chakrabarti 托达·罗伊·乔杜里 戈西克·森 Madhurima Ghosh Chandrayee Ghosh Rohit Basfore Oishani Dey Shahir Raj


黎耀祥 关宝慧 吴华新


藤原龙也 芦名星 冈田将生 志田未来 濑户朝香 渡部笃郎 洼田正孝 林遣都 水上剑星 三宅弘城 柴本幸 田中哲司


鲁格·豪尔 金·凯特罗尔


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蒂莫西·贝尔米 黛安娜·培耶 伊丽莎白·穆迪


谷村美月 足立梨花 辻修 浅野かや


伊莎贝拉·弗尔曼 朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 罗西弗·萨瑟兰 金川弘敦 马修·芬兰 萨曼莎·沃克斯 大卫·劳伦斯·布朗 劳伦·科克伦 格温多琳·柯林斯 克里斯汀·萨瓦茨基 杰夫·斯特罗姆 安德里亚·德尔·坎普 亚历克·卡洛斯 艾丽西亚·约翰斯顿 利亚姆·斯图尔特-卡尼根 杰德·迈克尔 布拉德利·索茨基 斯蒂芬妮·西 玛丽娜·斯蒂芬森·科尔 沙龙·巴杰 埃里克·阿塔瓦尔


Stephanie Pearson Hope Quattrocki Liz Fenning


Aphinda Afaika Irshaad Ally Ben Appolis Henry Aylward Dustin Beck Jerome Bezuidenhout Carlo Daniels Jarrid Geduld Ephraim Gordon Ephram Gordon Norene Gordon Jacques Hartzenberg Noesfa Isaacs Amrain Ismail-Essop Luke Jansen 德翁·洛茨 莫妮克·洛克曼


Tim O'Kelly 波利斯·卡洛夫 阿瑟·彼得森
